In fitness, there is and will always be myths that exist.

I am going to give you ‘The Real Deal’ when it comes to busting 3 very common fitness myths that I have personally put to the test and have witnessed throughout the course of my life.

FITNESS MYTH 1: You Cannot Train The Same Muscle 2 Days In A Row And Achieve Development
THE REAL DEAL: Throughout the course of the week, you can in fact train the same muscles 2, 3, 4, 5, and even 6 days in a row and achieve favorable muscle development as long as you apply the necessary principles.

  • It is vitally important to ensure that you get a sufficiently increased amount of protein and water each day that you do train the targeted muscle.
  • You must give the targeted muscle at least one complete day of rest within the week so that the nutrition and healing can take full effect and manifest into increased muscle development.

FITNESS MYTH 2: You Will Gain Fat If You Eat Fats
THE REAL DEAL: Contrary to popular belief, you will not gain fat from eating fats. Fats are a necessary nutrient and energy source. When you consume fat from foods, the fat is not transported for adherence to your pre-existing body fat, it becomes a more readily available energy source that gets put to use within the course of your day.

FITNESS MYTH 3: You Can’t Develop Muscle after the age of 50
THE REAL DEAL: It may be a bit more of a challenge to achieve due to the aging negatives but in my 30 plus years as a fitness trainer, I have personally helped many people, males, and females who were well above 50 years of age to achieve favorable muscle development from proper strength training combined with appropriate nutrition.