Fitness TIP: Apply The Principle Of Fitness Maximization
Maximize your fitness time and your fitness effort. You are diligently putting in the time and the effort but...
Maximize your fitness time and your fitness effort. You are diligently putting in the time and the effort but...
Bounce Those Calves When You’re Out And About And Waiting It Out When you’re out and about, wherever you...
Get the Real Deal Answers to your Fitness Questions so you can ‘make FIT happen!’ Question: It’s been a few...
Yes indeed, you can take a beneficial break from your usual fitness grind – yet remain physically active by...
More than ever, the alarm is sounding to alert us of the call to action, that we need to...
In all probability, the busier your lifestyle is, the greater the chance that your body itself is sleep-deprived, and...
Maybe, possibly, perhaps, but in most cases you are probably not STRETCHED out enough.. The reality of the subject...
The Rollifit Digital Smart Scale performs great as a fitness tool for providing helpful FITNESS FEEDBACK and it can...
Let’s ‘make FIT happen’ Remotely… Together! Interact with Trainer Z via Zoom, using your computer, smartphone, or tablet device...
Indeed, one of the most important things people can do to improve their overall health (physical, mental and emotional...