Fitness Tip: Bounce It Out While You Wait It Out
Bounce Those Calves When You’re Out And About And Waiting It Out
When you’re out and about, wherever you might be >> You can get in some simple and quick fitness work on your Calf Muscles by performing some ‘Standing Calf Bounces’ (don’t let your heels touch the floor) while you’re standing and waiting. It won’t take long at all before you start to feel the pump and burn effect in the Calf Muscles.
You can perform beneficial variations such as slow, moderate, or fast-paced bounces. You can vary the width of your feet stances, and you can change the angle of your feet positions. This is a prime example of “getting it in where you can fit it in” as you continue to make fit happen.
Fitness Disclaimer: The fitness content provided by Trainer Z and presented here on ‘Trainer’ is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and is not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific course of action. Fitness is not without risks, and injuries and even death can occur. It is strongly suggested that you consult a physician before performing any fitness exercises, incorporating any tips, or adhering to any fitness program or eating suggestions.