Is It A Lifestyle Or A Lifestyle Of Events?
If You’re Gonna Do It… Do It For Life!
Indeed, one of the most important things people can do to improve their overall health (physical, mental, and emotional well-being), is to engage the body in a routine that includes physical activity. When we perform healthy physical movements in both a consistent and conscious manner, our level of conviction and concentration increases, as well as our threshold for strength and endurance.
When we adopt a series of Healthy Lifestyle practices, we define what it means to live a life anchored by cause, cure, and commitment; but, when we fall short, we reveal the reality of whether or not we’re masking a less-than-healthy ‘Lifestyle Event’ as one of ‘Healthy Lifestyle Engagement’. Keep in mind, the root of physical fitness is anchored in POSITIVITY and accountability! Positive actions begin with positive thoughts and goals, and pretty soon these thoughts form decisions that insist upon movement (or a series of movements).
Unfortunately (these days), the notion of having a fitness-based lifestyle is riddled with inconsistencies that could very well turn progressive action into ‘Trend & Begin’ or ‘End & No Win’. Just as a particular diet program can wane in popularity over time, so might an individual’s motivation to effectively stick with it (especially if one’s motivation is not founded on healthful principles). If we’re head-over-heels about the idea of a healthy lifestyle and fitness mastery, then we must be equally gung-ho about the practical aspects of applying key principles that MAKE FIT HAPPEN! These principles can include: Assessing Desired Outcomes, Creating Variable Challenges, Knowing your Body-Type, Consulting an Expert, Hydration & Nutrition, Adapting to Regimen, and Commitment.
When we pursue a healthy lifestyle through these principles, we gain more than physical fitness; our overall health and quality of life are greatly improved. But, when we infrequently apply them, there is no true engagement or sense of commitment; in fact, instead of creating a healthy lifestyle – we’re merely scheduling lifestyle events. I would strongly suggest that if one sets out to Rise Up & Move It, an individual must also prepare to go the distance to Rise Up & Reap It! Fundamentally speaking, the integrity that comes with choosing and actively living a fitness-based lifestyle makes the question we ask ourselves … “Lifestyle Engagement … or Lifestyle Events?”… a real no-brainer.
The moment we get serious about health, fitness, and overall wellness, something amazing tends to happen! We experience a shift, that carries us through the vein of mediocrity (past the point of ‘procrastination’ and ‘just-getting-by’), and we’re given the opportunity to live an engaged lifestyle reserved for WINNERS!
Fitness Disclaimer: The fitness content provided by Trainer Z and presented here on ‘Trainer’ is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and is not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific course of action. Fitness is not without risks, and injuries and even death can occur. It is strongly suggested that you consult a physician before performing any fitness exercises, incorporating any tips, or adhering to any fitness program or eating suggestions.